Monday, November 22, 2010

Front-Page Feature November 21, 2010

Yay, I must be on a roll because another one of my treasuries, also an etteam, has been featured on the front page of Etsy, AGAIN!

Front-Page Feature November 18, 2010

So, as you all know, none of the treasuries that I made during my 30 day blitz actually made it to the FP of Etsy. However, I did finally arrive. Here is the picture of my very first treasury, an etteam treasury, to make it the front page of etsy! Enjoy!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

30 Treasuries in 30 days! Results!

Results. Yes, this is what we all want to see!

So, NONE of the treasuries made it to the Front Page of Esty, but a few of them did pretty well on the day they were posted!
 The best one was:

  If a "Tree Falls in the Forest."


  • 1085 clicks

what-do-ya-know...It was the first!

30 Treasuries in 30 days! Days: 22-30

Well,  I finally had to get a new computer...and yes, was slacking a bit towards the end. So here they are, finally,:

22:  Pepper + Mint

23: No Flashy Title Here, Just some of my Faves!

24:  I live in the BiG AppLe

25:  Run Forest

26: I am an artist...must i label everything?

27: Ass Kickers, The Elephant v.s. The Donkey 

28:  Get closer to your teals! 

29:  Eat your PEAS and CARROTS 

30:  Muted.